Sunday, August 21, 2011

30 pictures in 30 days

So Because I am turning the dreaded BIG three-O I wanted to do something that would make me happy and take my mind off "IT"
I have created this "30 day Photo Challenge" Because so many times I look through my scrapbook pages and pictures and always notice something is missing…..Me!!
I believe many of you can agree to this same situation. You begin to look at all your wonderful pages and pictures of so many people that you love and care about, but none of just you.
So that made me think, don’t
my friends and family want to remember me and the things that made me special. Wouldn’t they like to see me in some pictures for a change. Not just hiding behind the lens!
So Because of this, Lets make a small album of just Us. (The unknowns behind the Lens) J

So Lets Begin:

- Email me (see below) with: Your name, phone number & email . In the Subject line write “30/30”

- You will take 1 picture a day for 30 days, and create a small album with all 30 pictures.

- I will send a message via my Facebook Page “Rockin Scissors” of what the picture assignment will be. For example: ( Today take a self portrait of yourself any way you would like: outside, inside, dressed fancy, dressed casual, with or without make-up, etc. It just has to be from the shoulders up.) Every day will be something different, and always about YOU!- 1st assignment will be Aug. 22 (my birthday) / Last assignment Sept. 20th

- Day of the Crop/Workshop = Thurs. Sept. 22nd

- Time and Place to be determined depending on number of participating people.

- Cost $15 , that will cover the cost of supplies to make the album. Last day to join and pay for the workshop is Sept. 9th. So all the supplies can be ordered and be here on time.
(There is no charge to come to the open crop or participate in the picture challenge)
- A list of all the tools you will need will be emailed to you before the Crop/Workshop.
- I was also thinking of making this a Potluck, depending on how many Challengers we have. (Thoughts??)
Keep Rockin,

p.s. Email me with any questions or comments: